Welcome to the Journal Garden

insight, calm, and focus through profound self-knowledge

Why journal? Journaling — writing for your own eyes only — is a powerful, immediately accessible practice that has been shown to substantially improve both mental and physical health with just a few brief (10-15 minute) sessions per week. In addition to reducing stress, improving problem-solving, and lessening symptoms of depression, journaling appears to initiate a cascade of health-promoting processes that reduce inflammation, improve immune function, and even relieve symptoms of high blood pressure, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Why join the Journal Garden? There are so many reasons to journal but, like many wellness habits, it can be difficult to sustain the practice on your own. This membership community is designed to keep you flourishing through prompts, live guided sessions, and an ever-growing buffet of journaling resources. Structure + accountability + journaling = a radical shift in how you experience your thoughts, your desires, and your world.

Who are you? This community is hosted by Elisabeth Andrews, MPH, bringing 30+ years of journaling experience and more than 20 years as a wellness educator and yoga teacher. I am also a seasoned science writer and editor, and have dedicated my career to helping smart thinkers improve the clarity of their writing. I strongly recommend journaling for anyone whose work has a writing or communications component. 

Testimonials from Course Participants:

"I was quite surprised about the insights and new perspective I gained."
- Patricia F.   

"I am amazed to (re)discover the grounding and perspective-altering power of journaling."
- Yvette P.  

"The prompts were extremely helpful, much more than I expected."
- Sylvia V. 

 "I really liked how some prompts spoke to each other and how some days build over the others. The connections were brilliant."
- Sujata S.  

"My biggest take-away is how different journaling is with prompts than the stream-of-consciousness, 'morning pages' style of journaling I've done most of my life. It's helped me get more specific in reflection and the specificity has led to clarity on a number of issues."
- Kerry Ann R.

"At first, I thought the challenge would be a great way to get me started on my creative writing skill building project/goals - 15 minutes of attempting to let loose and free write every day. I've come to appreciate that it can be and do a lot more than that, including bringing greater clarity, anxiety management (and dream activation!)."
-Vanessa P.